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Cheshire and Warrington Colleges announce plans to merge

Cheshire & Warrington News


Following a review of Further Education provision across Cheshire and Warrington, four FE Colleges (South Cheshire College, West Cheshire College, Mid Cheshire College and Warrington Collegiate) have agreed to begin a merger process to create a new FE College for Cheshire and Warrington by 2018.

The recommendation for a FE College for Cheshire and Warrington follows a Joint Area Review of post-16 provision in the region led by the Government’s FE Commissioner Sir David Collins.

The proposal will build on the key strengths of each College, creating a stronger organisation delivering high quality education and skills training for learners and employers.

The merger will also create a financially robust College that will be more efficient and effective than the existing separate Colleges and maximise the benefits to learners and make best use of public funding. Read more

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