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Less well-known ‘creative conurbations’ situated along motorway corridors, including Warrington and Wigan, are becoming a thriving hotbed for creative industries in the UK, a report published today (26 July 2016) has found.
The Geography of Creativity study, published by Nesta and Creative England, found that in addition to more-established clusters, like London, Brighton, Bristol, Manchester, Edinburgh and Liverpool, other “less visible” areas are starting to have a significant impact.
A total of 7,128 staff in Warrington and Wigan are in creative employment, making it the fourth largest cluster in the North of England.
However, the analysis found that Manchester remains the North West’s geographic hotspot with the third highest number of creative businesses in the UK. It has 43,050 workers in creative employment, 29 per cent of which are employed in film, TV and radio. Read More
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